Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bite the Bullet

I don't think I'm alone when I say that typographical bullets are all kinds of fun to use. These bullet points, or "bullets", are used to introduce items in a list. They are most commonly seen as those adorable little dots, but they also come in other fun shapes. I am intensely fond of them, because they help keep things organized and they promote consistency.

As an admirer of this particular type of glyph, I can't help but to be a little concerned about it being used improperly. I know, I know. I'm probably breaking at least a dozen rules of grammar in this post alone, but bullets seem to be pretty straight forward. I'm still working hard to get to the bottom of this, but I think that PowerPoint templates are a major culprit in this trending grammatical malfeasance. I've noticed the overuse of bullets in PowerPoint presentations a few times. Let's take a look at an example I found recently.

Yikes. This isn't even a list. Well, there is actually a list within the information given, but it is not properly represented by the bullets. This page could have done without bullets or they could have been used like this:

Can damage to habitats be more hidden and subtle than outright destruction and fragmentation?
Absolutely! By Pollution of air and water, caused by the presence of:
  • pesticides
  • sewage
  • fertilizers
  • industrial chemicals and wastes
  • emissions from cars and factories

This particular presentation was filled with bullets and most of them were misused. Let's look at a few more.

The following page does not contain more bullets. This is
all of the information offered on this particular topic.

I don't think I need to say anything about this one.

It can be confusing to the reader when you use bullets for anything other than lists, because they may be expecting more information (example #2). Even properly placed bullets can be bad if you use them too often. When the reader is bombarded with bullets, they no longer see them as having any significance. There are a few simple rules that one can follow when it comes to bullets:
  1. You should be listing something important.
  2. You should be able to interchange your bullets with a numbered list.
  3. You should avoid using templates if possible, or remove the bullets from templates as you create each slide. 
Bullets can be a great thing when we use them correctly and sparingly. I'll be the first one to admit that they are really fun to use, but sometimes we just need to bite the bullet and save them for when it counts.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What Extroverted Teachers Need to Learn

I know I've already blogged about introversion, but I found an article today that really got my blood boiling and I just have to say something about it. It's called Introverted Kids Need to Learn to Speak Up at School with the subtitle Every child should be graded on class participation -- and parents don't help their children when they argue otherwise. It was written by Jessica Lahey.

First, let me start by saying kudos to those parents who are questioning teaching methods. This should be happening way more often than it does. The idea that there is ONE right way to teach every child is, in my opinion, a big part of why we are failing so miserably in education. We are in desperate need for big changes and the only way that is going to happen is by questioning the way we do things now. This isn't what I want to talk about though. I want to explain all of the reasons why the author of this article is wrong.

When it comes time to assess my students' engagement with these questions, I could quiz them daily and force them to write reams about the topics I want them to consider. Or I can ask them to open their mouths, turn on their brains, and share their ideas with the rest of the class. I opt for a happy medium, and require a little bit of both.

Man, I really hope you don't talk to those kids about writing the way you did here. Why do you "force" them to write, but "ask" them to open their mouths? And "reams"? Sounds like a pretty bad exaggeration. It seems to me that you think they don't "turn on their brains" when they write, only when they speak. And most importantly, why do you think that public speaking is the only way to share ideas? If that's the case, shouldn't you be giving a speech instead of writing this article?

I am aware that as an extrovert, I naturally teach to and understand the needs of extroverts. Consequently, I have worked very hard to research and implement teaching strategies that work for introverted students. I have a personal interest in the subject as well, as I am married to one introvert and mother to another.

Well, thank you for admitting your bias; I feel a little bit better now. However, I would still like to know what specific strategies you have implemented after all of the research you have "worked very hard" on. There are a couple of things that you should "work very hard" on realizing. 
1) Your personal interest does not matter when it comes to teaching the children of other people  
2) Knowing one or two introverts does not mean that you know ALL introverts.

In the end, I have decided to retain my class participation requirement. As a teacher, it is my job to teach grammar, vocabulary, and literature, but I must also teach my students how to succeed in the world we live in -- a world where most people won't stop talking. If anything, I feel even more strongly that my introverted students must learn how to self-advocate by communicating with parents, educators, and the world at large.

I think that everyone would be better off if you focused on YOUR job. As you've stated, your job is to teach grammar, vocabulary, and literature. I'm not entirely sure that you "must" take it upon yourself to teach your students how to succeed in the world we live in. I feel like that should be up to the parents. I think that when you make introverted kids speak in front of the class all of the time, you are taking their focus away from what they should be learning. It is really hard to learn and remember grammar, vocabulary, and literature when you can't stop thinking about an upcoming speech you have to give. It IS your job to figure out how each student learns better and accommodate to their needs. It IS NOT your job to try to force them to learn things the way that you do. The fact that you "feel even more strongly" that your introverted students must learn how to self-advocate, is a very extroverted assumption. More to come on this later.

Dr. Kendall Hoyt -- introvert, assistant professor of medicine at Dartmouth Medical School -- agrees. "You don't get a pass for your personality type. I understand that social anxiety is a real thing - I am an introvert, and my mother used to actually faint if she had to do public speaking - but part of my job as a teacher is to teach people how to articulate and be heard."

Hoyt applies this same philosophy to her own children, both introverts. She and her babysitter have constructed elaborate social scavenger hunts for the children, games that require them to approach strangers, look them in the eye, and ask for whatever the game requires - directions, information, or signatures.

When I asked her why she puts so much effort into her children's ability to communicate with strangers, she answered, "In order to be effective in this world, you must be able to communicate. If you can't speak up for yourself, if you can't muster the courage to tell the person you love that you love them, if you can't advocate for your own safety, the world will be a very intimidating and frightening place. I don't want my kids to be intimidated by the world."

I don't want to talk too much about Hoyt, but since she was referenced so much I felt like I had to at least mention her. I think she sounds like a great parent, the keyword being- parent. Parents should take more responsibility for these kinds of life lessons, not teachers. Furthermore, Learning how to communicate effectively is not improved upon by speaking in front of peers constantly. Not being comfortable speaking in front of groups or not having the desire to share your thoughts frequently, does not mean that you can't speak up for yourself, you can't tell people you love them, or that you will live in an unsafe world that is frightening to you. In fact, those things are hardly related at all. 

When a parent tells me that his or her child is simply not capable of communicating educational and emotional needs, I see a child even more in need of mastering interpersonal communication. I'm not talking about the value of communication as it relates to grades here; I am talking about the value of communication as it relates to personal health, happiness, and safety. A student who is unwilling to stand up for herself and tell me that she does not understand the difference between an adverb and a verb is also less likely to stand up for herself if she is being harassed or pressured in other areas of her life.

Just to clarify, I am not saying that the parents you have dealt with are doing all they can as parents. I also think it is great that you are concerned with their health, happiness, and safety. However, you are wrong and your students are suffering because of it. You cannot assume that "a student unwilling to tell me that she does not understand an adverb and a verb is also less likely to stand up for herself if she is being harassed". That is absolutely ridiculous. Was there a study done to justify this outrageous claim? If so, I can't seem to find it. 

Thanks to my students, Hoyt, and the reams of literature and research on introverts, I have a newfound respect for the people in my life who are less apt to jump into the fray of class discussion. But I also know that sometimes it's important - even imperative - to speak up for one's self. Cain starts her book Quiet with the example of Rosa Parks and the historic "No" she gave the bus driver who asked her to move to the back of the bus. Cain reports that, according to her obituary, Parks was an introvert. And yet that introvert spoke up and claimed her rightful place in the world. In honor of Rosa Parks, Susan Cain, and the many introverted students under my tutelage, I will continue to encourage them to find their voices.

I am also thankful for the "reams" of literature and research on introverts, but I am disappointed that you chose not to use it in the way it was intended. Susan Cain is brilliant, but I don't think she would agree with you. Her reference to Rosa Parks is important, but it does not correlate with your teaching strategy. There is no evidence that Rosa Parks spoke up for herself because she was forced to speak in front of her classmates in school. It is more likely that introverts just make better choices about when they should be heard. 

Most introverts will make their voices heard when it really matters. Introverts spend more time reflecting. As a result, they understand the philosophy of things to a great extent and care deeply about principles. They do not avoid talking altogether. They just don't feel the need to talk when it is not necessary. And as a result, people tend to listen to them more. I am extremely introverted. I hardly ever talk when I don't need to, but I feel compelled to say something when it truly matters to me. Your strategies are wrong and people need to know it, case in point.

This article matters to me, because I feel that I was let down by many of my teachers. When I look back at grade school, I just feel so disappointed. Mostly because all I can remember is being forced into talking in front of the class. I was never worried about the material that we were learning about. I hear about these fascinating things now that I should have been learning in school, and it makes me so mad that the opportunity to learn them was taken from me. I was interested. I wanted to learn. I spent so much of my childhood in school because I was supposed to be learning about those things.

I wasn't stupid. I did very well on written assignments, but I felt stupid because I had such a hard time with presentations. I was made to feel like I had to get over it somehow. I believed it for awhile. In college, I spent a good year forcing myself to do things as if I was an extrovert. I thought I would get used to it. I thought I would actually get over being an introvert. Guess what? It didn't work. I didn't change at all. In fact, I think I would have been much better off if I had focused on being an introvert. Practicing things that you are good at is much more beneficial than trying to be a little bit better at things that don't come naturally to you. What if all of those teachers I had would have encouraged me to write more instead of reading out loud more? What if I would have spent all of that time in grade school learning about subjects in ways that made sense to me? 

Fortunately, I am an adult now. I get to decide how I learn things, but the kids you are teaching are still depending on the system to show them the way. I believe you, and all of my past teachers for that matter, had good intentions. I am begging you to rethink your strategy. This is one of those things that I feel compelled to voice my opinion about and if I had heard your article in a conversation, I would have definitely said something. This matters. We need to give students the education that they deserve.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Small Ideas in Small Places

Living in an apartment is not easy, but it's not all that bad either. I often hear people talking about all of the things that they can't do in an apartment. More often, I hear people telling me about all of the things that I can't do in an apartment: have a large dog, plant a garden, store things properly, etc. I prefer to think about it in terms of how I can do those things with much less space?

So, maybe I can't do those things in the same way that house dwellers can. I'll admit that certain things may be a little easier to do when you have a house, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't do them. Living in an apartment isn't as limiting as some people think. It just requires you to look at things a little differently. For instance, you might have to be willing to assemble some miniature IKEA furniture.

Thank goodness for Steven and his willingness to read instructions.
This is the couch, not a chair.

You might want to consider starting a window garden. Not just because urban farming sounds super awesome, but also because it's really convenient when you can pick vegetables and herbs right from your kitchen.

Our garden, just getting started.

Obviously you don't want to spend money on customized closet space-savers, but bins can work pretty good too. It's important to be organized when you have to fit a lot of things into a small area. It's okay to group things together too, as long as you know where things are. Everything should have a spot.

I could actually fit a lot more into these closets.

I'm a huge fan of using books as decorations. Even when I lived in a house, storing them was an issue because I had so many. Some people may think it's strange to store books in your kitchen, but I'm okay with it. If you find a space that is perfect for something, make it work!

I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, so it's fortunate that I love being around books.

Balki isn't very big yet, but I'm confident that he will be a happy and healthy giant when he is full grown. If there is one thing that a long walk is sure to do, it's tiring out your dog. A tired dog is a good dog. Even multiple short walks will suffice (depending on the breed). Dogs would much rather spend their time walking with you than sniffing around the backyard. So, I'd say...if you can keep up with the walks, apartments are ideal for dogs.

That's one happy pup!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Curing Introversion

It isn't a secret to anyone who has met me that I'm extremely introverted, which in turn means misunderstood. Many people don't understand what introversion is. Some of the people that have an idea of what it is, think it is some kind of personality disorder. Well, it's not a disorder. It's not something that can be "worked out" through talk therapy or constantly subjecting yourself to social situations. It's not a disease, illness, mutation, plague, or syndrome. There isn't a cure for it.

I often feel bad about it, because I don't want people to think that I don't like them. Socializing just doesn't come naturally to me. Meeting a new person is always tragically awkward. I only think of the perfect thing to say ten minutes after a conversation has ended. I'm really bad at expressing how I feel, even to people that I've known my whole life. I am fortunate enough to have a few really good friends that have managed to not care too much about the wall of solidarity I'm constantly hiding behind. Have you ever been invited to a party that you really didn't want to go to, but felt like you should? I feel like that ALL the time, except it's not because I don't like the people there. I'd probably really like to spend time with most of them individually. It's just that being in a large group of people is terribly uncomfortable for me.

It's true that the extreme side of anything can be bad. Extroversion and introversion alike. Every single thing that I do or say must be carefully considered. I'm constantly asking myself things like, "will I be able to blend in there?", "will I be able to leave early without drawing attention to myself?", "will there be any presentations in this class and if so, can I pass without doing them?", "when is the least busiest time to go to this particular store?", and well, you get the idea. It's stressful and exhausting. There is no cure, but I've found the closest thing to it: buy the cutest puppy you can possibly find.

That's what I did, unintentionally. I love all dogs. I wasn't set out to find the cutest one. We wanted some kind of lab mix and the one that was born at the perfect time for us, just so happened to be the cutest puppy in Canada. Pictures really don't do him justice. When he does his little puppy trot on our walks, his ears flop up and down. It's adorable. We can't go anywhere without being stopped. Everyone wants to pet him, some people even thank us for the opportunity. We've had to answer all sorts of questions about him. I've met more people in the last month, than I have in the entire year before that. As if that isn't bad enough, I've actually arranged to meet other people with dogs because I'm worried that HE won't get enough socialization. I signed up for two groups on Meetup.com, one meeting every weekend and the other meeting once a month. I've also arranged to meet another person with a puppy in the park once during the week.

I definitely wouldn't say that I've had a conversion to extroversion, even though that's really fun to say. I would, however, say that I've been nudged into some extroverted tendencies for the sake of a spoiled rotten pup. It hasn't been all that bad, though. People that have dogs are great to be around! That doesn't mean if you don't have a dog, you aren't great to be around. There are exceptions to every rule. But, I've never met a dog lover that I didn't like. They are generally happier people. When you meet them, you already know that you have something in common. There is no pressure to find common ground. There aren't any difficult-to-answer questions. This is about as much as I can handle. I've got my close friends, my family, my dog, and my dog meetups.

P.S. Sorry for not going to that party that you invited me to!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Forever Homes

My boyfriend Steven and I were waiting for the perfect time to get a dog, even though we have wanted one for what seems like forever. Finally, the time came! Steven was transferred to an office outside of the United States, so as long as we are living together and he is on this project, I will not be able to work. I would have plenty of time to give our puppy the training and attention he would deserve.

We were particularly excited about adopting a dog from an animal shelter, as we are aware of and concerned about the lack of homes for these poor animals. We had a few months to prepare and we spent a lot of that time browsing the internet for puppy tips, adorable pictures, and pet adoption information. We saw so many great pictures and videos. We especially like to watch videos of puppies learning to use stairs, like this one.

Our excitement could not be contained. As our moving date got closer, we started looking at specific dogs that were available for adoption. I looked at all of the popular sites that shelters use. I fell in love with one dog and applied for him immediately. When I didn't hear anything back, I started the search over. Again, I applied and didn't hear back. This happened a number of times. We were never denied, but no one ever got back to me.

Most of the time when you are applying, you are applying for a specific dog. I was only applying for puppies, which I know are in higher demand than older dogs. After a few applications; however, I would leave notes on the application that I was considering other dogs and pleading for them to help me find one for us. Still, no response. I have no idea why this would be. We definitely have enough money and time for a dog. We don't have our own backyard (which is asked on most applications), but I love walks and I have plenty of time for them. Can only professional dog trainers adopt dogs now?

We ended up purchasing a dog from a reputable family. He is a wonderful Shepard/Lab mix. We love him so much. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world, but I can't help but to be concerned for those shelter animals that aren't getting adopted. I hear about them all the time; the millions of dogs and cats that are being euthanized every year. It's an issue that is really being pushed these days, and rightfully so.

They have made advertising for shelters so much easier than it used to be, and breeders are having a harder time. There are all kinds of sites, like Wagaroo, who are trying to make it easier for people to find their perfect dog, while promoting adoptions as much as possible. It's really great to see things like this, but if the shelters aren't doing their part, then what is the point?It is very upsetting to me, because I spend a lot of time advocating animal welfare and all I hear about is convincing people to want to adopt. Maybe that isn't the problem at all.

I found this website, which shows exactly why I am angered by this. There is a large number of people who are considering adopting from a shelter. So large in fact, that if only 25% of them adopted, we wouldn't have to euthanize the "ruff-ly" 3 million cats and dogs that are put to sleep each year. Something tells me that we don't need to convince anymore people to consider adopting. We need to process adoptions!

Friday, February 1, 2013

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's...Grandma's Middle Finger?

If there is one thing that my childhood definitely wasn't lacking, I would have to say it was long road trips. We were frequently driving "up north", to Houghton Lake, for the weekend. In the summer time, we would travel to one of the more southern states, going as far as Florida. There were six of us that would pile into a car or van: my father, my mother, my two older brothers, my grandmother, and myself. We spent many hours on the road and I have no idea how we stayed entertained for so long. I do, however, recall one of the funniest moments of my childhood happening during one of these road trips.

We were stopped at a red light, when my grandmother exclaimed, "Look at the bird! Look at the bird!" We quickly looked over to see her holding up her middle finger and pointing at the sky. I'm completely sure she didn't realize what she was doing. Unfortunately, there was a guy in a pick up truck stopped in the lane right next to us. His eyes were the widest I have ever seen. I can't imagine what he was thinking when he looked over and saw my grandmother flipping him off. I don't remember if the windows were open. It is possible that he heard her saying, "Look at the bird! Look at the bird!" Either way, it was hilarious. I will never forget it.

I love you, Grandma!

Note: "Up North" in Michigan refers to basically anything north of Flint. It is a common phrase that people use in Michigan; however, I thought it was important to elaborate on this because it can have very different meanings in other places. Some of them are just as harmless. In Milwaukee or Chicago, "up north" refers to rural areas of northern Wisconsin while "up north" in Southern Illinois means Chicago. I've recently learned that when someone in New York says "up north", they are referring to jail, since most of the prisons are in the northern part of the state.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Turning Nothing Into Something

Almost every time my co-worker asks me what I am doing on the weekend, I have the same one word answer: exploring. I'm not sure why, but she finds this hilarious. Is exploring only something adolescences do in their parent's backyard? Eh. Maybe my wording isn't the best, but what I mean to say is simply that I'm checking out something new. Whether I am just walking around a city I have never been to or riding every roller coaster in an old-timey theme park, to me it is just exploring.

Steven and I just love to "explore" new places and things with each other. In fact, I'd say that is what we do together most often.
We love not knowing what to expect. We either discover something great or as Steven points out, we discover something awful but end up with a great story to tell people. Those stories will have to be another post. The point is, it's always an adventure when we try something new. However, there are a few things that we do habitually. My absolute favorite of those things is visiting an arcade. This began when we first started dating. We had a lot of fun playing games. Skeeball being the all-time favorite for both of us. But wait, here comes the best part...

When we were done playing games, we realized that we both had a bunch of tickets in our hands and we didn't know what to do with them. We didn't have to look at the prize counter for very long to know that we weren't going to get much. Prizes are fun and all, but neither of us had much need for a miniature plastic slinky or a 4-pack of Now and Laters. Steven suggested that we give them to a kid and I was delighted at the idea. We found a cute little girl with just a few tickets in her hand and we passed our tickets onto her. We've been doing it ever since. We spend very little money at arcades, maybe $10 each time. We have a lot of fun and would gladly pay $10 just for that, but we also get to bring a pleasant surprise to a child. It may not be much, but what means basically nothing to us can be the difference between a ice cream cone shaped eraser and a real-sized Whoopie Cushion to a child in an arcade. I get really excited now when we win tickets and I can't wait to look around the room to find someone to give them too. It's an excellent tradition!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Sidewalk of Morality

I am extremely fortunate because I've been able to live in San Francisco, California for the past year. The City by the Bay is a truly amazing place. It is by far the most unique city I have ever been to. Just a few blocks from where I live, I can hop a ferry to Alcatraz Island or walk to the end of Pier 39 to watch the sea lions play. I can drive down the "crookedest street" in the United States or ride the world's last manually operated cable car. I can bike across the Golden Gate Bridge or through an urban park consisting of over 1,000 acres of beautiful landscaping. I've seen the wild parrots of Telegraph Hill on my walk to work, as well as group of goats hired for weed control. The list goes on and on. I've explored the city as much as possible in the last year and there are still things I haven't seen here. 

All of these things have been documented countless times, I'm sure. However; one of my favorite things in San Francisco, you can only read about here. I call it the Sidewalk of Morality. It lies on Sansome Street between Green and Filbert, right across from the Levi Plaza. On the west side of the street there is a walking path sandwiched between a fence and a series of parking blocks. This path is just wide enough to fit two people comfortably, and this is precisely why it makes the perfect test of morality. 

Since it is on my route to work, I have taken this path many times. I've taken it so many times that I have noticed a large variety in the way that people handle walking past others. My love for philosophy has caused me to find a lot of ways to find out the character of a person, but this is definitely the simplest version I have found so far. The path is long, so one would have plenty of time to judge how much room they and another person would need to pass each other. 

The really good hearted people get as far over to one side as they can, leaving plenty of room to walk by casually. A larger group of people stay to one side, making sure you have enough room to pass but also making sure they have at least half of the path for themselves. Sadly, the largest number of people move slightly to one side, leaving just enough room for you to walk by with a lean. Some people will even go so far as to purposely take up the entire path, forcing you to jump over the parking blocks just before you pass them when they clearly have plenty of room to move over. Yes, these people exist and aggravate me more than I can say. Of course, judgement gets a bit more complicated when there are groups of people, but you get the idea. I enjoy trying to guess who will move over and to what degree. Which group would you be in? 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Float Me Down the River

One of the best things about traveling is dining out at places that you wouldn't normally. Despite the fact that I am an American, I don't normally eat at A&W, the fast food chain that boasts selling "All American Food". So when Steven and I were visiting Toronto, I thought a small meal at A&W sounded great. Sure, they don't have much on the menu for vegetarians, but I could at least enjoy a delicious root beer float. Wrong.

It turns out that the famous A&W root beer float is no longer on the menu in Canada.Yes, really! So, basically Canada doesn't have A&W -- they have a fast food chain posing as A&W. I just don't understand. Aren't root beer floats what A&W is known for?

Okay, A&W. Here is an idea for you... Maybe you should give a bunch of Americans a free trip to Canada along with coupons to your restaurant. Why? Because I've lived in America my entire life and I've never really craved a root beer float. Then I went to Canada for 3 days and root beer floats are all I can think about.